1.参展单位在会议期间展示及宣传的产品内容和形式必须科学、真实、健康、清晰,不得违反《广告法》、《药品管理法》 等相关法律规定,不得以任何形式欺骗或误导参会其他人员。参展机构须严格遵守《反不正当竞争法》等相关法律法规,禁止不正当竞争行为。

The product content and form displayed and promoted by exhibitors during the conference must be scientific, truthful, he-

althy, and clear, and shall not violate relevant laws and regulations such as the Advertising Law and the Drug Administra-

tion Law, nor deceive in any form Or mislead other attendees. Exhibitors must strictly abide by the Anti unfair competition Law and other relevant laws and regulations Regulations, prohibit unfair competition.


Exhibitors must comply with the regulations and rules of the conference venue and the organizing committee regarding fire and safety plans, and cooperate well with relevant work.


Exhibitors are not allowed to carry out activities unrelated to the conference and exhibition during the conference period, and exhibition and display activities shall not affect the normal progress of academic activities.


If the conference is postponed or cancelled due to force majeure events (including but not limited to natural disasters, government expropriation or restricted use of venues, etc.), the organizer shall not bear any joint liability except for fulfilling the obligations stipulated in the contract.