5月26日 全天报到、办理入住、欢迎晚宴

May 26th: Full day arrival arrangement, check-in, welcome dinner

5月27日 上午

May 27th Morning



Sign in


Opening Speech
Leaders of Baoshan District



Academician's Speech


Academician Zhongchao Han


Academician for the French National Academy of Medical Sciences and the French National Academy of Technical Sciences, director of the National Research Center for stem cell engineering technology, and H&B joint chief scientist



Baoshan District Promotion


Science and Innovation Commission of Baoshan District (Investment Promotion Office)



Signing ceremony in the industrial base


1. Tianjin Onsai Cell Gene Technology Co., Ltd. and Beijing H&B United Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd. signed a contract with Baoshan High-tech Zone Management Committee


2. The signing ceremony between the resident enterprises and Sino great arc (Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, East China University of Science and Technology, ICBC Baoshan Branch, CASTD REGEN-GEEK (SHENZHEN) MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.)


3. Group photo of all signatories



The launching ceremony of the construction of Shanghai Baoshan International Comprehensive Cellular Biomedical Industry Base



Tea break/group photo


[Academician Expert Lecture Hall] (25 minutes per academician, 4 persons)


Moderator: Prof. Bin Zhou



【Presentation Topic】 R&D and Application of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Products

演讲人:韩忠朝院士 法国两院院士,国家干细胞工程技术研究中心主任,汉氏联合首席科学家

Speaker: Academician Zhongchao HAN, Academician for the French National Academy of Medical Sciences and the French National Academy of Technical Sciences, director of the National Research Center for stem cell engineering technology, and H&B joint chief scientist



【Presentation Topic】Original intention and mission: Review and outlook on the establishment of a disciplinary system for wound repair with Chinese characteristics

演讲人:付小兵院士 中国工程院院士、解放军总医院生命科学院院长、全国政协委员

Speaker: Academician Xiaobing FU, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, President of the Academy of Life Sciences of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) General Hospital, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference



【Presentation Topic】Investigation on circulating tumor cells

演讲人:Academician. Georges UZAN 法国医学科学院院士,法国医学科学院972研究所所长

Speaker:Academician. Georges UZAN, Academician of the French Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the 972 Institute of the French Academy of Medical Sciences



【Presentation Topic】Tissue Inflammation Microenvironment and Regeneration

演讲人:时玉舫院士 欧洲科学院院士,江苏省干细胞与生物医用材料重点实验室主任

Speaker: Academician Yufang SHI, Academician of the Academia Europaea, director of Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Stem Cells and Biomedical Materials



Lunch & Break

5月27日 下午

May 27th Afternoon



Baoshan "Comprehensive Cellular Biomedical Industry Base" Project Investment Promotion


【Topic I】Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (20 minutes per professor and expert, 6 persons)

主持人:韩之波 汉氏药业集团总经理

Host: Zhibo HAN General Manager of H&B



【Presentation Topic】Thinking About Stem Cell Therapy for Liver Diseases

演讲人:韩英教授 空军军医大学第一附属医院(西京医院)消化内科主任,中华医学会内科学分会主任委员

Speaker: Pr. Ying HAN, Director of the Department of Gastroenterology of the First Affiliated Hospital of the Air Force Medical University (Xijing Hospital), Chairman of the Internal Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association



【Presentation Topic】Exosomes Research for the Treatment of Eye Diseases

演讲人:陶勇博士 医学博士,首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院眼科主任医师

Speaker:Dr.Yong TAO, Chief Physician of Ophthalmology, Affiliated Beijing Chaoyang Hospital of Capital Medical University



【Presentation Topic】 Genealogical Tracing and Stem Cell Research


Speaker: Pr.Bin ZHOU, Researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences



【Presentation Topic】Stem Cell Therapy For Bone and Joint Diseases Research Progress

演讲人:郭全义教授 解放军总医院骨科医学部主任医师、教授、博士生导师,中华医学会组织修复与再生医学分会副主任委员

Speaker: Pr.Quanyi GUO, Chief physician, professor, doctoral supervisor of the Department of Orthopaedic Medicine of the Chinese PLA General Hospital, and vice chairman of the tissue repair and regenerative branch of Chinese Medical Association



【Presentation Topic】 Therapeutic Application of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-derived Exosomal Vesicles in Tissue Damage Repair

演讲人:李宗金教授 南开大学医学院教授、中国生物医学工程学会干细胞工程技术分会副主任委员

Speaker: Pr.Zongjin LI, Professor of the School of Medicine, Nankai University, Vice Chairman of Stem Cell Engineering Technology Branch of Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering



【Presentation Topic】 Therapeutic Effects of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Derivatives on Cerebral Ischemia

演讲人:李银萍教授 武汉大学基础医学院教授

Speaker: Pr. Yinping LI, Professor, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Wuhan University



Tea break


【Topic II】 Allogeneic Transplantation and Immunotherapy (20 minutes per professor expert, 6 persons)


Host: Prof. Zongjin Li



【Presentation Topic】 Immune precision medicine from allogeneic transplantation

演讲人:Pr. Jean François Henri ROSSI 蒙波利埃大学血液学教授

Speaker: Pr.Jean François Henri ROSSI  Professor of Hematology, University of Montpellier



【Presentation Topic】Differential MMP-14 targeting by Biglycan, Decorin, Fibromodulin and Lumican Unraveled by In Silico Approach

线上演讲人:Stéphane BREZILLON 法国斯特拉斯堡大学教授

Online Speaker: Stéphane BREZILLON Professor,University of Strasbourg, France



【Presentation Topic】Mesenchymal stromal cells immunomodulation profil related to the outcome of AML patients after allo-HSCT

线上演讲人:Pr. Natalia de ISLA 法国洛林大学医学院教授

Online Speaker:Pr.Natalia de ISLA Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lorraine, France



【Presentation Topic】 Research and progress of gene therapy for hemophilia

演讲人:张磊教授 中国医学科学院血液病医院(血液学研究所)副所院长,血液系统疾病国家临床研究中心副主任

Speaker: Pr. Lei ZHANG Vice President of the Hematology Hospital (Institute of Hematology) of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Vice Director of the National Clinical Research Center for Hematological Diseases



【Presentation Topic】Immune properties of umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells in cell therapy context

演讲人:Pr. Céline GIGANT 法国洛林大学教授,中法国际科研项目合作组组长

Speaker: Pr. Céline GIGANT  Professor at the University of Lorraine in France, Leader of the Sino French International Research Project Cooperation Group



【Presentation Topic】 Perinatal Stem Cell Drug Development and Translation

演讲人:韩之波 天津昂赛细胞基因工程有限公司总经理,天津市细胞药物企业重点实验室主任

Speaker: Pr.Zhibo HAN  General Manager of Tianjin AmCellGene Engineering Co., Ltd., Director of Tianjin Cell Drug Enterprise Key Laboratory

5月28日 上午

May 28th Morning



Introduction of High-Tech Industrial Park of Baoshan District


High-Tech Industrial Park of Baoshan District


【Topic III】 Cell Industry Innovation and Clinical Transformation (20 minutes per professor and expert, 6 persons)


Moderator: Prof. Ying Ying Wang



【Presentation Topic】 Progress in the development and application of CAR-NK immune cell therapy

演讲人:何志旭教授 遵义医科大学党委书记、中国生物医学工程学会干细胞工程技术分会主任委员

Speaker: Pr. Zhixu HE  Secretary of the Party Committee of Zunyi Medical University, Chairman of Stem Cell Engineering Technology Branch of Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering



【Presentation Topic】Non-genetically modified,CAR-like,NK cells

演讲人:Pr.Martin VILLALBA GONZÁLEZ 蒙波得埃大学教授、主任医生

Speaker: Pr.Martin VILLALBA GONZÁLEZ   Professor and Chief Physician of the University of Montpellier



【Presentation Topic】Development of an innovative advanced therapy medicinal product combining stem cells and an implantable medical device for regenerative medicine

演讲人:刘澎教授 复旦大学附属中山医院血液科主任

Speaker: Pr. Peng LIU  Director of Hematology Department, Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University



【Presentation Topic】Targeting disialoganglioside GD2 with chimeric antigen receptor-redirected T cells in lung cancer

演讲人:Pr. Loïc REPPEL 法国洛林大学医学院教授

Speaker: Pr. Loïc REPPEL  Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lorraine, France



【Presentation Topic】 Digitalization, Automation, Scale-up, Closure and Activation of Stem Cells/Exosomes (DASEA) Bio-intelligent Platform Development and Translation - From Laboratory Research to Clinical Application)

演讲人:张智勇教授 广州医科大学再生医学与3D打印转化研究中心主任,组织工程国家工程中心华南分中心主任、国家科技进步一等奖获得者

Speaker: Pr. Zhiyong ZHANG  Director of Regenerative Medicine and 3D Printing Transformation Research Center of Guangzhou Medical University, Director of South China Branch of National Engineering Center for Tissue Engineering, and winner of the first prize of National Award for Science and Technology Progress



【Roundtable Forum I】Industry-University-Research Cooperation for Cellular Drug Translation

主持嘉宾:韩之波 汉氏药业总经理

Host guest: Zhibo Han, General Manager of H&B Pharmaceutical



周斌教授 中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心研究员、博士生导师

Pr. Bin ZHOU Researcher and doctoral supervisor of the Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences

刘澎教授 复旦大学附属中山医院血液科主任

Pr. Peng LIU Director of Hematology Department, Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University

张磊教授 中国医学科学院血液病医院(血液学研究所)副所院长,血液系统疾病国家临床研究中心副主任

Pr. Lei ZHANG Vice President of the Hematology Hospital (Institute of Hematology) of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Vice Director of the National Clinical Research Center for Hematological Diseases

李宗金教授 南开大学医学院教授、中国生物医学工程学会干细胞工程技术分会副主任委员

Pr. Zongjin LI  Professor of the School of Medicine, Nankai University, Vice Chairman of Stem Cell Engineering Technology Branch of Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering

张智勇教授 广州医科大学再生医学与3D打印转化研究中心主任,组织工程国家工程中心华南分中心主任、国家科技进步一等奖获得者

Pr. Zhiyong ZHANG  Director of Regenerative Medicine and 3D Printing Transformation Research Center of Guangzhou Medical University, Director of South China Branch of National Engineering Center for Tissue Engineering, and winner of the first prize of National Award for Science and Technology Progress

何志旭教授 遵义医科大学党委书记、中国生物医学工程学会干细胞工程技术分会主任委员

Pr. Zhixu HE  Secretary of the Party Committee of Zunyi Medical University, Chairman of Stem Cell Engineering Technology Branch of Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering



Lunch & Break

5月28日 下午

May 28th Afternoon


Topic IV: Biomedical Industry Technology, Industry And Ark Investment Presentation (20 minutes per professor expert, 8 persons)


Host: Prof. Zhiyong Zhang


【演讲主题】加快干细胞产业高质量发展 打造生物经济新引擎

【Presentation Topic】 Accelerating the High Quality Development of Stem Cell Industry and Creating a New Engine of Bio-Economy

演讲人:汤红明教授 国家干细胞转化资源库副主任

Speaker: Pr. Hongming TANG  Deputy Director of the National Stem Cell Translational Resource Center


【演讲主题】机理图解: 如何通过使用创新的联合治疗法来避免由骨替代物的矿物块阻止的新形成的血管

【Presentation Topic】Mechanistic illustration: How newly-formed blood vessels stopped by the mineral blocks of bone substitutes can be avoided by using innovative combined therapeutics

演讲人:华国强教授 法国斯特拉斯堡大学教授

Speaker: Pr. Guoqiang HUA  Professor, University of Strasbourg, France



【Presentation Topic】 Research and clinical translation of novel cellular immunotherapy

演讲人:黄河教授 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院院长、浙江大学血液学研究所所长

Speaker: Pr. He HUANG   Dean of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine and Director of the Zhejiang University Institute of Hematology



【Presentation Topic】 Thinking and coping with stem cell source compliance

演讲人:吴朝晖教授 中国医药生物技术协会副理事长、中国高等教育学会副会长

Speaker: Pr.Chaohui WU  Vice Chairman of China Medical Biotech Association and Vice President of China Association of Higher Education



【Presentation Topic】 Recent Review of Investment and Financing in China's Cellular Gene Therapy Industry and Future Prospects


Speaker: Feng SUN, Chairman, Kangcheng Investment



【Presentation Topic】Umbilical cord blood micro-transplantation for elderly AML patients

演讲人:周芙玲教授 武汉大学中南医院血液科科主任,武汉大学护理学院院长

Speaker: Pr. Fuling ZHOU  Director of Department of Hematology, Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, Dean of Wuhan University School of Nursing



【Presentation Topic】 Stem cell and NK cell therapy product development for acute myeloid leukemia

演讲人:张磊升博士 中国医学科学院-北京协和医学院(清华大学医学部)医学博士,汉氏联合研发中心总监

Speaker: Dr. Leisheng ZHANG  Doctor of Medicine, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College (School of Medicine, Tsinghua University), Director of H&B Joint Research and Development Center


【演讲主题】 脱细胞牙髓涂层壳聚糖支架对牙髓干细胞成骨分化的体内外实验研究

【Presentation Topic】Investigation of decellular dental pulp coated chitosan scaffold on osteogenesis differentiation of dental pulp stem cells in vitro and in vivo

演讲人:管铮教授 昆明医科大学附属甘美医院医学中心主任

Speaker: Pr. Zheng GUAN  Director of the Medical Center of Galmette Hospital & The First Hospital of Kunming Affiliated to Kunming Medical University



【Roundtable forum II】Breakthrough of Chinese Cellular Medicine Industry

主持嘉宾:王家伦教授 瑞典肿瘤生物学博士,希诺神州集团首席技术官

Host guest: Pr. Jialun WANG  PhD in Oncology Biology, Sweden, Chief Technology Officer of Sino great arc




Yang ZHENG (Deputy Director of Baoshan District Economic Committee in Shanghai)

傅大煦 (上海市生物医药行业协会会长、上海市生物医药技术研究院院长)

Daxu FU (President of Shanghai Biopharmaceutics Industry Association and President of Shanghai Institute for Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Technologies)


Jingdong XU (Partner of Law Firm)


Jun SHEN (Executive Director of Investment Banking Department of CICC ( China International Capital Corporation) )

吴朝晖 (中国医药生物技术协会副理事长、中国高等教育学会副会长)

Chaohui WU (Vice Chairman of China Medical Biotech Association and Vice President of China Association of Higher Education)


Zhihai HAN(General Manager of Sino great arc, Vice Chairman of the China Stem Cell Industry Alliance, and Senior Engineer)



Project Promotion of Shanghai Sino great arc Life Health Technology Co., Ltd.


Based in Shanghai, facing the whole country to establish a national network of life science popularization centers


Zhihai Han


General Manager of Sino great arc, Vice Chairman of the China Stem Cell Industry Alliance, and Senior Engineer


Closing of the Conference